The Problem With Improvement (Video)

Since a player can’t see their own improvement, it’s important for parents to positively discuss growth with their athlete. Join PGC President Mano Watsa as he explains how to encourage and motivate your child by being specific when highlighting improvements.

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Dealing With Unfair Circumstances

As parents, we need our children to go through unfair circumstances to develop their grit. Join PGC President Mano Watsa as he explains ways to help your child navigate these challenges and develop them for a lifetime of success.

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3 Tips To Help Navigate The Digital World (Video)

Attempting to navigate your child through the digital world can not only be challenging, but also frustrating. Join PGC President Mano Watsa as he shares a few of his best practices to help keep young people present and engaged while dealing with the distractions of phones and social media.

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Help! My Kids Are Always On Their Phones (Video)

Join PGC President Mano Watsa as he shares some of the tips he’s learned to help navigate the distractions of technology, including adopting a technique from PGC founder Dick DeVenzio called “an air-conditioned room conversation.”

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