PGC is the best basketball camp in America for learning how to think the game.
Rick CarlisleIndiana Pacers, Head Coach, 2011 NBA Champion

“Our entire university team attended PGC and it was the BEST teaching program I’ve ever seen!”

Shawnee Harle | Team Canada, Assistant Coach & Former University of Calgary Head Coach

Success Stories and Feedback from PGC players and coaches

“Ivory Latta, our first-team All-American point guard and NCAA Player-of-the-Year, went to Point Guard College and discovered ways to play bigger than her size. Her knowledge of the game increased tremendously. I was extremely impressed.”

Head Coach | Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame

“A must for any young player that wants to advance to the next level – whether high school, college, or even the NBA.”

Donnie Walsh | President of Basketball Operations, Indiana Pacers (NBA).

“PGC’s lessons on leadership, confidence and doing the little things are a must for any young player, regardless of position.”

Coach Jeff Turner | Orlando, Florida. 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist (USA) and 10-year NBA veteran

“Outstanding! The best clinic experience I have been witness to in 36 years of coaching! The combination of physical training and the classroom was really unique. I will definitely be encouraging players and coaches alike to experience Point Guard College.”

Coach Len Stanley | Bismark State College

“I learned so much and I feel like the game has now slowed down so much for me. I played in a pick-up game last night and played the best game I have ever played.”

Clint Cybulski | Emmanuel College Men’s Basketball

“…the PGC approach to training really opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective on how to get better. Overall, this has been the best basketball experience of my life.”

Keith Steffeck | Upper Iowa University

“Not only did my physical skills improve, but I learned valuable lessons on how to study, examine and think the game that I had never been exposed to before. The teaching I received helped me to become a better teammate and leader—both on and off the court.

Justin Conway | Former Princeton University team captain

“The gym sessions were always intense and purposeful. We knew why we were doing each drill and we were pushed to do our best. The atmosphere in the gym was amazing. There was a great sense of camaraderie. I learned so much this week and I am so grateful.”

Jessica Knox | Harvard University

“My Friends Were Getting Better While I Was Kinda Suckin…”

“My vertical leap, explosiveness, quickness and strength have improved immensely. He has taken me to level in which I never thought was possible.”

Mike VanSchaick | Former Fairfield University Men’s Basketball

“This has been an amazing experience and I learned so much about myself and how much harder I can push myself. I got so much out of the course and I can’t wait to use these work-outs back at school. I know I’ve made a big stride in my shooting. I came here as a good shooter and I’m leaving her with the knowledge that I can and will be a great shooter. Thank you!”

Amanda Parris | College Junior, Summerville, GA

Is Your Child Facing Adversity? Share This Story With Them…

Point Guard College will greatly improve the play of any aspiring player.
Coach John Wooden (1910-2010)Named Coach of the Century by ESPN, Winner of 10 NCAA Championships

“I’ve been involved in the great game of basketball for 25 years, and I learned more in the first three hours at PGC than in any ten years that I’ve spent in the game.

Coach Evan Woodward | Richland, Washington

“All of the gym sessions were game-like and served a definite purpose. It’s awesome how the points of emphasis were reinforced… I’ve been to approximately 50 basketball camps, and you truly have the BEST teaching program in America.

Coach Laura Sellers | Normal, Illinois

“PGC is a fantastic experience for players and coaches. You will leave this program not only a better basketball player, but a better person. I would love to have an entire team of PGC graduates.

Coach Tom Beach | Forest Park, Indiana (2005 & 2006 State Champions), Anderson University men’s basketball assistant coach

“Point Guard College is an intensive indoctrination into how to play smart, minimize turnovers, and be a good leader. These are great, great teachers of the game.

Coach Rick Allison | Arlington, Texas

“PGC is basketball in its purest state: players who are eager to learn, coaches who are enthusiastic about teaching, and an atmosphere filled with positive energy. This is an experience that the players will take with them and apply to all aspects of their lives.

Coach Jimmy Johnson | Eddyville, Kentucky

“PGC exceeded my expectations, which were high to begin with. The coach was a superb presenter of the materials. The material was top-notch. My notes will be a resource for years to come. Thank you for this great ‘college’.

Coach David Dong | San Mateo, California

“The level of intensity and effort that is demanded at all times gives you a glimpse of greatness and allows you to understand what is necessary to achieve it.

Megan Murphy | Clinton Corners, New York

“I wanted to drop you a note and tell you how impressed I was with every aspect of the program. From your leadership to your instructors, I believe you have made a positive impact both on my son as well as me. I will admit to coming to PGC as a coach and thinking I wouldn’t learn much. I have been to a lot of “camps” in my time and thought this would primarily be good for my son. There are not many times that I think I got more than I paid for, but as far as I am concerned you couldn’t charge enough for the experience we both had. I believe it will change my son’s life as well as my own. I am going to use SCHAPE with all of my teams and we have instituted its principals in my own home!”

Sean O’Neil, Hudson | Hudson, New Hampshire

Any player who wants to have a serious chance to play college basketball—especially at the 'D1' level—needs to attend PGC. Going to PGC is the smartest move you can ever make.
Kristi ToliverLA Sparks, 2x WNBA Champion, 3x WNBA All-Star, NCAA All-American & National Champion, and 2x PGC Grad

“Our daughter, Susan, attended Playmaker College this past summer. You helped her to rediscover her passion for the game that she loves so much. Her approach to life, school, and basketball has all been altered in a positive way.”

Jill & Bryan Bossler | Reading, Pennsylvania

“Zach’s coach said to him, ‘I don’t know how much you paid for Point Guard College this summer, but it was worth every penny. You’ve improved in every facet of your game.”

Greg Tudor | West Lafayette, Indiana

“My son has been a different kid since this basketball camp. Now he thinks talks and acts like a leader. He’s playing with passion, fire, and energy. Honestly, I can’t believe it is my son. Scoring College taught him how to play the right way.”

Joe Osborn | Fort Wayne, Indiana

“The classroom sessions changed my game more than anything else. I particularly loved the Unruffleability and the Extra Ounce lectures.”

Michael Lutter | Columbus, Ohio

“Now my approach towards everything—my training, games, relationships, teammates, school and my life—has made a 180-degree turnaround. I am so thankful that I could attend PGC.”

Meredith Pruden | Wilson, North Carolina

“I have gone to many different basketball camps, and there is absolutely no camp that can even hold a candle to PGC. I have never met anybody in my life that I respect more than you, Coach D. You know exactly what you are talking about, and you are the smartest person I know when it comes to basketball.”

Michael Gould | Newton, Massachusetts (two-time grad)

“These past few days have had such an impact on my mindset and my commitments. …I feel invigorated, inspired, and excited.”

Grace Williams | Anchorage, AK

“PGC Grad School opened my eyes to things I had never seen or thought about before. It has SCHAPE’d me into what I always hoped I would become—a LEADER.:

Noah Drassinower | Toronto, ON

“Most valuable week of my life. I didn’t only learn how to think the game, but how to think my life as well.”

Vincent Butler-Japorte | Boucherville, Quebec, Canada

Excellent 4.75/5

based on over 20.5k reviews.

A Basketball Disney World
I have learned more about coaching and teaching this week than I have my entire life. Point Guard College was always a dream for me. A 'Basketball Disney World' that sounded amazing, but due to the price I never got the opportunity to attend as a player. If I could go back and re-do ONE thing as a high school athlete, it would be to attend this camp. Spending a week observing at Point Guard College has been a sort of revival for everyone here. Another observing coach even said out loud that he felt like he had been reborn. We are excited, we are energized, and we have picked up so many teaching tools that we can take back and implement with our kids in every aspect of our lives. I became a better coach, a better teacher, a better mother, a better wife, a better friend by being here surrounded by so many like-minded and inspiring people. I saw 135 kids walk through those doors as shy, timid, awkward strangers. Through the course of this week, I watched PGC staff pour themselves into these kids and ultimately bring 135 strangers together. I not only saw, I felt the energy and the connection formed.... A family like bond created in just 4 days. They learned so much about basketball and even more about leadership. Not a single kid will walk out of these doors the same person they walked in as. Not one. My new dream is to do everything I can to replicate this experience to the best of my ability every single day so that every kid who walks into our program, or walks into my classroom, doesn't walk out the same.
Left a Boy and Came Back a Man!
Words cannot describe how beneficial this camp was for my son! He left a boy and came back a young man. This was my son first time away from home and I didn’t know who was more nervous me or him. He’s generally a shy kid so I was worried about him interacting with his peers. After the first day of camp I talked to him before he went to bed and he was having a great time with the guys in the dorm. The social interaction took him out of his comfort zone and he made friends. In reference to the basketball portion, my son’s basketball IQ has grown tremendously! His outlook on the game has completely changed and now he has a swagger about himself. We watched the finals this past week and he was able to diagnose different parts of the game that he’s never don’t before. The classroom portion was excellent for him and seeing it made a huge impact. I am a more than satisfied parent with PGC and my son has already decided to attend the fall mini camps as well. #PGC FOR LIFE
So Tired
I was tired and sore but i learned a lot and it was worth it.
Food wasn’t great, dorms were ok, basketball was great.
Food wasn’t great, dorms were ok, basketball was great.
Impactful, Authentic, and Powerful
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire week. I loves the energy Chad brought to the week in the rich and engaging classroom work, and the passion and control in the gym. I absolutely loved the mix of humor and instruction, but my favorite session of the week was Thursday night when Chad shared his journey. That was the most powerful and impactful moment of the week, and I was deeply touched and appreciate the authenticity. It will be a moment that will stick with me forever. This week has been rejuvenating as a coach and I would not hesitate to attend another session taught by Chad. I also appreciated the conversations I had with Savannah and her insight about the game. She did a phenomenal job this week and I wanted to make sure she got a shout out of recognition for her hard work! All the instructors did great and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the multiple styles and approaches each one brought to the week.
Raised Court Awareness
Micah Gatewood expressed how much the camp gave him more options for being in position to score the ball. After the camp he said, “i can not wait to get on the court to use what I learned. He broke down S.C.H.A.P.E when he got into the car and his insights were incredible, especially how he made it relevant to how he could apply it immediately, on and off the court. Lastly, although he hurt his wrist the 2nd day, the PGC Staff used him as a coach for the week. This has lit a fire for coaching inside of Micah and he expressed, “I know I needed to think about life after basketball. I really like coaching and I think this is another option.” He even expressed joining PGC as an intern.
This is mM 4th Year....I've Loved it All!
I love PGC! This is my fourth year, and I have loved my experience all four years. My favorite part is how we play games and there’s violations. I think it really helps us engrave those habits. Also, at the beginning with SCHAPE shooting I think that was beneficial to help my communication. I don’t have a loud voice, so it really helped me exercise that, and it helped me become a better communicator. Lastly, I loved when we split into groups that we had to eat or sit with. It helped me meet new people and not only meet them but learn a ton about them! Now because of that I am leaving with way more people that I know a ton about.
Improved by Basketball IQ!
This course has improved my basketball IQ. Being able to read defenses and knowing what strategies to use to score has been the most helpful. Also knowing what to do when you get the ball. Some grab and immediately look to pass, whereas here you must peek. Attacking the paint is also so important and I personally have students of the game that assume, “shooting from the logo” is the coolest move ever and that’s how they will get to the next level to play. Whereas here making the easier bucket is more impressive & having control.
New Confidence for My Daughter
My daughter is entering her Freshman year and wanted to hone in our her skills. She only started playing basketball in 6th grade and loves the game. She learned a lot about her position as well as being a better leader than she already was. PGC has given her new confidence and drive to get out and play even more and harder. She made amazing friendships and is excited to come back for more next year!
Truly transformed in 5 days!
I feel like I am a 10 times better coach and leader than when I entered on Monday. Being around like minded people has added to the fire that I have to build a winning culture and program. I am ready to go home and SERVE the people in my program, my classroom, and my school in a way that is intentional and transformational. Money well spent!! Truly transformed in 5 days! Gotten better!!
Should Have Started Attending Sooner
Oh my she loved the camp!! We just wish she would have attended before her going into her senior year of High School. Everything she learned will benefit her not only on the court but off the court. We will highly recommend this camp to others and believe there will already be more that will attend next year from out area. Thank you for provideing her this opportunity.
My Kid Was the Worst Player There...
He was the least skilled kid at the camp. And came away with a lot of drills. Most kids would go to a camp and lose confidence in themselves if they were the least skilled. This camp taught the character traits of a good teammate and my son felt included in everything. He also learned that you can still contribute without all of the stats.
Re-Energized Mentally & Emotionally As A Coach
I was re-energized mentally and emotionally as a coach. I also learned some great individual skills for my athletes. I also learned some better communication skills in dealing with athletes. PGC helped me realize honesty and clarity is best for athletes even if it is a difficult truth for them to hear.
Stratton Hallows
Point Guard Prep has taught me a lot about not just moves, but about how even if you don't play you can still impact the game by being a good teammate and an energy-giver. I also learned to put others first, build others up, and do hard things by pushing your limits and stretching yourself.
It was good but I was very tired
It was good but I was very tired
Better than AAU...
In one week of camp, my son was able to get more repetition and skill work than he did in an entire summer of AAU. I believe that the AAU experience provides him with lots of high level experience and competition, but PGC enables him to refine his craft and clean up bad habits or footwork.
Love the energy, love the competition, didn't love the food
Love the energy, love the competition, didnt love the food but loved meeting so many new friends who had the same interests as me.
I was blown away
I read the reviews online and they were all positive so I came in with very high expectations. With that being said, I was blown away. I feel like a different person as well as a coach. Its like I had tunnel vision coaching views that all of a sudden were opened. Unbelievable
Her Knowledge of the Game is Growing
Our daughter has attended the Playmaker camp, online camp, and now the Scoring and Shooting camp…all have been a wonderful experience and has increased her knowledge of the game as well as improved her skills/game, and shown her how to be a leader on and off the court.
Great Camp Structure for Players and Coaches
I was very impressed with the structure of the camp. The energy that Coach Matt & staff brought was very infectious throughout the week. As an observing coach I had access to everything throughout the week and felt extremely welcomed! Thanks Coach Steinbrock
After Just a Day & a Half...I had My Money's Worth
Coach Rudy, Coach Tyler and their staff were beyond amazing all week. After a day and a half I had already gotten more than enough to make the experience worth it. Great leadership, culture and care for people and the awesome game of basketball.
PGC changed my life.
He was always so passionate with us and always showed everyone what it was like to be a true leader! I have never felt the caring embrace of so many people in my life before! It had truly changed my life and it will continue to change my life.
So Many Life Lessons!
So many life lessons! the way the classroom taught students how to be better not only in the game but as a person is one of the biggest things that I'll take away. That your actions scream while your words whisper was super impactful as well.
Changed me as a athlete, leader, and teammate.
Best week. Demanded precision, eye contact, energy, and a championship environment. Changed me as a athlete, leader, and teammate. This course made me think the game in a whole new way and gave me elements to implement in my game!
Food Not Great
Great camp. The cafe food definitely could have been better.
Re-wronte All His Notes
Connor LOVED PGC camp. He took notes and then came home and re-wrote all of his notes and read them to us each day and showed us examples. He's only 11 and he learned things that will last him a lifetime, on and off the court!
Jam Schallenberger
This camp taught me how to be a great leader, basketball player and energy giver to my teammates. I am going to be a different person (in a good way) when I walk out the door each day, both in basketball and as a person.
Exceeded Every Expectation!
You guys lived up to all of the advertisements I read and exceeded our expectations Bromo not only enjoyed it but is better for it Leadership and life skills that were also taught is why he’ll be back Respect
She Has More Confidence & Trusts the Process
She seems to have a lot more confidence - not that she'll make all of her shots, but that it's ok to take them and miss because that's part of the process. She also feels very good about her plan to get better.
One of the Best Weeks of Her Life!
It was one of the best weeks of her life, the informaton in skills are very useful for helping her on the court and in life. We appreciate the well-rounded teachings that apply to basketball and beyond.
Helped Me To Teach Kids How To Bring the Ball To the Bucket
Really helped me to teach the kids how to bring the ball to the bucket and drills to reinforce. Also learned verbage on how to communicate better w/ the kids (just by observing Micah in action).
Coming Back Next Year...Even If It's The Same Session!
I am defiently going to come back next year to PGC whether it’s a different session or this one because the impact it had on my basketball and personal life was amazing and only in a good way.
PGC taught me how to be a special player.
I had such a great time here at PGC this week and learned how to be a special player; I've never learned so much at a basketball camp in a week! It was definitely worth the money to come here!
Signing Them Up for Me!
What a great job Katie has done! I feel like she was the best director my 4th and 6th grade sons could have! Great work! I can't wait to sign up for more camps for both of my sons next year.
Broke It Down For Me
Coach Lili broke it down for me and now I understand how to do things differently I missed a session of his to go watch her with the girls and and it just opened me up to more transparent
Coaches from all sports should attend
This is a course all coaches should attend, not just basketball coaches... It has been a good week that has built my confidence as a coach of young athletes. Keep up the great work.
PGC is always a transformational
Game-changing. Well worth the time and resources used to be a part of this. I have found a roadmap to success with PGC and I plan to use it going forward for my players and family.
It Taught Me How to Be a Great Leader
My experience was amazing. I loved it so much. It was such an eye opener to me that it’s bigger than basketball in most aspects of the game. It taught me how to be a great leader.
The Progression of the Camp Improves Learning!
The amount of content shared and the progressions that they are shared in through film, technique training, guided reps and live is amazing. Great way to teach the game. Thank You
As a coach of 30 years, this is the best camp/clinic I have attended.
As a coach of 30 years, this is the best camp/clinic I have attended. Thank you for a great experience. The energy is contagious. I will use this with my class and in my classroom.
There Aren't Enough Words or Time
There isn't enough time to explain the experience that we all took in this week.. Its impossible to explain the atmosphere that was brought. It was something we will never forget.
I Have Greatly Benefited From This Course
I have greatly benefited from this course. It helped me look deeper at the little things that make a huge difference. My practices will look and sound different from now on.
Pages and Pages and Pages of Notes
The pages of notes tell the story. Between my daughter and her two friends, they combined for 86 pages of notes! I love the learning that takes place during a PGC session!
This Camp Impacted Me Tremendously
This camp impacted me tremendously. I highly motivated and excited to bring things back to my hometown. In order to be a good coach, I gotta bring juice to my athletes.
Using What I Learned in My Every Day Life!
It was great and I loved it!! It definitely made me better and I can’t wait to take what I learned at this camp and use it on the court and in my every day life!!
First Game After Camp Shows Great Improvement
Today she played her first tournament since returning from camp..I see lots of improvement in her game already..she is more in control of herself and the ball..
Sore and Tired
Overall my experience and PGC was pretty good. I had a lot of fun with meeting new people and playing and learning the game. The only downside was that I was always sore and tired throughout the week.
Tools To Grow As A Player And Leader
This week I learned so many tools that allowed me to to grow as a player and leader. I was encouraged by those around me and grew so much in my basketball IQ.
I Love the Importance Of Teaching the Athletes
It was great! I love the importance of teaching the athletes why we do drills or why they should do something. I love the life lessons that are taught here!!
I Love the Values & Teachings Of PGC
This course is fantastic, I love the values and teachings of PGC. I would love to get involved with the organization after the experience I had at this camp.
Learned the Game Of Basketball
I loved this opportunity to be able to learn the game of basketball and help change me as a person I think I'll be coming out of this week someone brand new.
Excellent in All Aspects!
Excellent in all aspects. Dustin is a perfect group director--very high energy, organized, attentive to every player, knows bball and kids extremely well.
Most Deveopmentally Impactful Week of My Life
This was probably the most developmentally impactful week of my life as a coach. I can’t wait to start implementing some of the things I learned at PGC.
Provided Great Ideas To Get Higher Roi
Provided great ideas that I can implement to get higher ROI ion the time spent with team. Also helped shape my overall approach to teaching and leading.
Gave My Child the Tools To Feel More Confident In Decision Making
I think this gave her the tools to feel more confident in that decision making. She will need time to trust her instincts and use the skill she learned
I have a new commitment in life
As a result of attending PGC, I have a new commitment in life from it both as a coach but also as an individual, spouse, employee, peer, and leader.
PGC Is More Than Any Other Courses I Have Attended
PGC is a great coaching and leadership resource. the classroom has helped on my career and I'm coaching more than any other courses I have attended.
Very Skilled Teachers. Improved Shot!
Chad is a great teacher Very skilled in teaching kids the skills in shooting. I wish I could hire him to work with my grandson who attented the camp
Makes Everyone Better
I learned so much every day and everyone at camp was just amazing how everyone supports everyone and everyone is trying to make everyone else better
Improved Son's Confidence!
The Playmaker College did wonders for my son's confidence. I feel like he has finally tapped into the greatness that I knew had prior to attending.
Came Home With Pages Of Notes
Best basketball camp i've ever attended, coming home with pages of notes about all different types of things whether it's my game or my mentality
Phenomenal Camp Experience
All PGC Camps have been phenomenal. I always enjoy the personal approach that the Directors always have, as well as the rest of the PGC staff.
Learned to Think the Game
Awesome skills taught and think the game; love the classroom experience and the opportunity after the practice and implement those skills.
Taught Me A Lot About the Game
Every instructor and director answered questions I had and they all taught me a lot about the game and the way to get to the next level.
Relatable While Still Being Elite
Dustin was excellent. His ability to relate to the athletes was elite. It really helps to have rapport- and he engaged with them well.
I Am More Confident In How I Will Now Contribute To Coaching My Team
This benefited me because I am more confident in how I will now contribute to coaching my team in multiple areas and not just the game.
Beyond my expectations!
Beyond my expectations! I had heard 'you just need to go to understand how transformative PGC is!' I know understand how true that it!
New Expereience. Great Experience!
New experience getting classroom instruction followed by demonstration, then live action implementation. Son had a great experience
Talks More on the Court
Built her confidence, got her talking on the court, and gave her the opportunity to play with exceptional basketball players.
Environment Is Another Level
PGC was like basketball I've never seen before. the environment is another level and the amount of learning you do is crazy.
Most Awesome Week!
It was fun! I love how much energy pgc has. Every instructor has a lot of competition and That was the most awesome week!
It was awesome I just wish the food was a little better and the dorms and gym had ac.
I Plan To Use PGC Method
I plan to use PGC method to give my players the tools to breakdown their shots and be able to make adjustments themselv.
Leaving Here Confident
I'm leaving confident that I can always contribute to our team as a tone setter, encourager, and truth speaker.
Dorms are mediocre but camp is amazing!
The dorms where a little unclean but the food was good and coaches were very nice and it was fun playing with older kids
Too much walking
I thought Washington University was great, the food was good, but I don’t appreciate the walking.
Great Competition
I love competing at all things and loved how much we got to compete at PGC. I cannot wait for my next PGC camp!
Helped Me Be A Different Type Of Leader
PGC was great, it helped me be a different type of leader that i usually am not, it is so fun and enjoyable.
I Will Never Forget
I felt high energy with everyone and the friends that I made at the camp are ones that I will never forget.
I Always Pick Up Something New!
I always pick up something new! Each director adds their own experiences to the class and this is helpful.
Above Excellent
Above excellent use of ways to respond to players lack of focus or to bringing in players for activities.
New Perspective On How To Run Practices And Skill Development
Gained a new perspective on how to run more efficient practices and skill development on shooting.
Great Staff!!
All the staff were incredible and the skills and lessons my son learned are extremely valuable!!
I Learned So Much
I learned a lot this week at PGC and I’ll definitely be coming back some time in the future.
I learned things I wouldn't learn at other camps.
At PGC, I learned things I wouldn't learn in other camps around the US or in the Philippines.
Very Enjoyable Expereience
I learned a lot at this camp and the coaches and people made it a very enjoyable experience.
Opened my eyes
Changed the way, that I think about the game. Opened my eyes to the How, Why, and What.
Boring Food
I felt I learned a lot about basketball and how to be a better play on the court and off but I feel the food should of changed more frequently because I felt I was eating the same thing every day.
Loved Every Second
I loved, enjoyed, learned from, and appreciated every second. Thank you so much!
Developed More in One Week
I developed a lot in the one week we were here and the coaches were incredible
Great Tool To Better Understand the Basics Of Scoring
This course was a great tool to better understand the basics of scoring.
Grad School Isn'T Just Basketball
Grad school isn't just basketball, it really taught us so much more.
the Course Gave Me the Framework Necessary To Teach Shooting Better
the course gave me the framework necessary to teach shooting better.
Top Basketball Experiences Of My Life
This week has been one of my top basketball experiences of my life.
Best Basketball Camp I Ever Seen
Best basketball camp I ever seen. Best teaching I've ever seen.
Planning Our Return Next Summer
He was very happy during and after the camp. Wants to go back!
Basketball was awesome, dorms not so much
Dorms weren’t great but the basketball was awesome
Best Thing I've Done as a Coach
This was the best thing that happened in my coaching career
the Best Basketball Camps I Have Attended
It was one of the best basketball camps I have attended
Made Me A Better Player
An awesome experience and it made me a better player
Great Week
This was an excellent week. Camp was run very well.
Made Me a Better Player
It was fun and made me a better basketball player
This Camp Really Made My Shooting Skills Better
This camp really make my shooting skills better
I Will 100% Be Coming Back.
I loved this camp! I will 100% be coming back.
Coming Back Next Year
Amazing camp, definitely coming back next year
Building My Confidence As A Leader
Building my confidence as a leader
One Of the Best Weeks Of My Life
One of the best weeks of my life
Helped Build Up My Confidence
Helped build up my confidence
Awesome Learning Experience!
Awesome learning experience!
It Made Me A Better Person
It made me a better person.
Best Camp Yet!
amazing. best camp yet