I, the parent/guardian of the individual, a minor (the “Athlete”), do hereby permit the Athlete to participate in a PGC clinic and certify that the Athlete’s physical condition is sufficient for full participation. I understand that the Athlete’s participation in PGC involves an element of risk and a possible danger of accidents. I also understand that the Athlete's participation at PGC may include activities involving athletes of different ages participating together, and also those of the opposite gender. If an emergency arises at any point during the session, I grant PGC permission to provide transportation to and from a medical facility. I assume all risk and agree to hold harmless PGC from all claims resulting from accidents and injuries that arise from transportation provided by PGC. Knowing all these risks, I hereby assume these risks and I hereby release and discharge Point Guard College LLP, More Than Hoops LLP, More Than Hoops Inc. and DE10 LLC, from any and all liability resulting from the Athlete’s participation in any aspect of the PGC clinic. I understand it is my responsibility to inform PGC staff of any medical conditions or any other special needs the Athlete might have and will notify the appropriate individuals of any health issues that might in any way affect the Athlete’s active or passive participation in a PGC clinic. I hereby assume responsibility for any and all costs associated with treatment of the Athlete for any injury or health issue that arises during the Athlete’s participation in a PGC clinic. I understand that PGC Basketball is not responsible for the supervision or safety of the Athlete if the Athlete leaves the premise for any reason during the clinic, including meal breaks, and I agree to assume all risk and hold harmless Point Guard College LLP, More Than Hoops LLP, More Than Hoops Inc., DE10 LLC, and all directors, coaches, staff members, volunteers and heirs from all claims resulting from accidents and injuries that may arise.