A common problem players face is they don’t understand refs. I get it. They’re hard to like and easy to blame.
But here’s a challenge for you. Take a moment to understand them. Realize they’re human. Think like they think. By doing this, you’ll redirect frustrated energy into more productive play.
In this film breakdown session, watch as Tyler Coston shares a secret that will help players get more steals without getting called for fouls.
Be the Player Every Teammate Wants to Play with…
No player wants to get cut, sit on the bench, or fall short of their potential.
That’s why you need the roadmap and tools to make teams, get minutes, & stand out on the floor.
At Scoring College players discover how to:
- Beat a defender 1-on-1 off the catch and dribble
- Get to the paint and finish against contact
- Get your shot off against bigger, faster defenders
- Be a disruptive, dominant defender
Players return to their teams with improved skills, increased confidence, and greater poise — ready to stand out against the competition.