How to Maximize Your Preseason Training

Sunday, September 29th at 7pm EST (4pm Pacific Time)

If you’d like to get in great basketball shape, crush your preseason conditioning and increase your shooting percentage so you can get more playing time and have more fun this season, our upcoming Sunday night FREE training is for you…


  • A simple mistake 90% of players make with their preseason training (hint: it has to do with training on your own in the gym!)
  • One popular basketball exercise you should never put in your training program.
  • The best-kept basketball training secrets of 2025.
  • How top high school and NCAA players incorporate decision making into their training.
  • One thing you must focus on this preseason if you want to be seen as a leader and earn the respect of your coaches and teammates.
  • The #1 most obvious reason why Steph Curry is the NBA’s leading 3 point shooter (and why doing this one thing can also give you a huge advantage over your opponents on offense).
  • And so much more…


To grab your FREE spot, simply fill out the form below and click the orange button…

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