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  • Mar. 31 | The 3-Point Play

    Four defensive principles great players understand: 

    1. Contest every shot
    2. Keep the ball in sight at all times
    3. Never allow a strong hand lay – up
    4. Don’t allow the ball to beat a defender down court. But if it does happen, sprint back.

    – Dick DeVenzio, PGC Founder

    You have to fight for your culture every day.
    -TJ Rosene

    Here’s an example from a former San Antonio Spurs NBA player: 

     “I was friends with every single teammate I ever had in my time with the Spurs. That might sound far-fetched, but it’s true. And those team meals were one of the biggest reasons why. To take the time to slow down and truly dine with someone in this day and age — I’m talking a two or three hour dinner — you naturally connect on a different level than just on the court or in the locker room. It seems like a pretty obvious way to build team chemistry, but the tricky part is getting everyone to buy in and actually want to go. You combine amazing restaurants with an interesting group of teammates from a bunch of different countries and the result is some of the best memories I have from my career.” 

    Who do you need to bring together for a meal regularly?

    Champions embrace failure.

    Think of it like this…

    When something is caught in your throat, your goal is urgently clear. You want it out so you can breathe again. 

    You will try anything — dozens of things — and being wrong won’t bother you one bit. You’ll follow each failure with a new, tremendous effort to succeed.  

    So if you want to become a champion, change your perspective on failure. 

    – Dick DeVenzio, PGC Founder

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    About PGC

    PGC Basketball provides intense, no-nonsense basketball training for players and coaches. Our basketball camps are designed to teach players of all positions to play smart basketball, be coaches on the court, and be leaders in practices, games and in everyday life.

    We combine our unique PGC culture with a variety of teaching methods and learning environments to maximize the learning potential of those that attend our sessions. In addition to spending 6-7 hours on the court each day, lessons will be reinforced through classroom sessions and video analysis.

    Our goal at PGC is to empower you with the tools to fulfill your basketball dreams, while also assisting you in experiencing the joy of the journey.

    To learn more about PGC Basketball, including additional basketball training tips and videos, visit our YouTube Channel or find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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