Mastering The Shot Fake
To become a great shooter like Steph Curry, Maya Moore, Sue Bird, and JJ Redick, you must have a great shot fake. Here are the two ways you can improve your shot fake, today:
Extend Your Range Like Damian Lillard
Lower level athletes often think practicing their shots from further away will make them better shooters.
To extend your range, join PGC director Matt McLeod as he shares two specific habits you must do in order to become a Damian Lillard shooter.
Shooting Workout: Become a JJ Reddick Shooter
Through studying the greatest shooters around the world, we’ve learned that they all have two things in common; accuracy and shot speed. Join PGC Director Matt McLeod as he walks you through the shooting drill you need to become a JJ Reddick shooter.
#LockLeft to Become a Lock Down Defender
Great defenders find gaps, play the odds and make it difficult for a good offense to succeed. If you want to become a great defender, check out this video from PGC Director Matt McLeod. In this week’s video, Matt breaks down three things you can do today to stop players that are bigger, faster and stronger.
Pass Fake Like Rondo
Join PGC Director Matt McLeod and discover how to become a better playmaker with the use of your fakes today.
How to Earn Trust with Your Team (Video)
Special basketball teams are defined by the trust that’s built among the players and coaches in the program. Join PGC Director Marke Freeman as she lays out three specific ways