3 Secrets to Become a Great Shooter & Get More Playing Time
Does your lack of confidence hold you back from being a great shooter?
Does it keep you from getting more minutes?
If so, you might be surprised to hear that there’s one simple mistake that holds 99% of players back.
We see this mistake all the time at our PGC Fall Shooting Colleges.
And it’s a mistake that, while technically doesn’t appear to be a ‘big deal’ to most players and coaches, can have terrible consequences not only for your confidence but on your future prospects to play at the next level.
The mistake I’m talking about is this:
Most players don’t implement what we call DELIBERATE PRACTICE.
Instead, they spend too much unfocused time just ‘shooting around’ with their friends, hoping they magically get better someday.
But the reality is that becoming a great shooter is REALLY hard work and typically only happens for serious, dedicated players who are willing to put in the unseen hours required on a daily basis.
If you think you’re up for the challenge and have what it takes, check out the videos below:
Secret #1 – How to Narrow the Focus of Your Shooting Training
You can’t be great at everything. Too many players go out on the court and practice a lot of different shots from different spots even though there are very specific spots during games they take the majority of their shots from.
You can put in all the shooting training time in the world, but if it isn’t focused training, it’s nearly impossible to translate your performance at practice into games.
Make this mistake and you’ll become what PGC Basketball Camp Director, Rudy Bentley calls, “a jack of all trades and a master of none.”
Bonus Tip for players struggling to get on the floor
Become a 3-And-D player, which means you’re able to guard at your position (better than anyone else on your team) and make corner 3’s.
Secret #2 – Why Thinking Like a Mad Scientist Can Help You Knock Down More Shots
- Track and measure your shooting results so you can prove to yourself you’re getting better. This is one of the keys to increasing your confidence.
- Cast a vision of the kind of shooter you want to be and let that vision dictate your daily habits and actions.
- Find a gym or place you can shoot 6 or 7 days per week and build your workout up to 100, 200, or 300 shots per day. Start small so it’s fun and easy to develop your new daily shooting habits.
If you’re looking for a good shooting drill to help you this season, send an email to Dustin Aubert ([email protected])
Secret #3 – One Simple Tweak to to Effortlessly Increase Your Range & Accuracy
- Ditch the common advice of aligning everything (feet, shoulders, eyes etc.) toward the hoop and experiment with the ‘tilted footprint’ we teach at PGC instead.
- Lots of players miss because their base isn’t activated, which results in inefficient power generation. If you can’t get the ball to the hoop (92% of misses are short) you have no chance to make it.
- Film your shot so you can visually see if you’re correctly making the changes you want.
Bonus Secret – How to Avoid the #1 Mistake 99% of Basketball Players Make with Shooting
27 Daily Reminders to go from Good Shooter to Great Shooter this Season
Print the below list out, write it out, or come up with some other creative way to etch these reminders into your brain and I can almost guarantee you’ll improve your shooting this season!
1. Don’t miss short.
2. Don’t miss to your dominant side.
3. Track and measure every shot.
4. Repetition builds confidence.
5. We become what we think about ourselves.
6. Our mind bends in the direction of our strongest thoughts.
7. Start with who you want to be. Shift to how that person would act. Shrink to control what you can control.
8. That which angers you controls you.
9. Have selective amnesia (forget past misses).
10. That which gets praised gets repeated.
11. It’s not about being the most talented. It’s about being the most consistent.
12. Professionals stick to their schedule, while amateurs let things get in the way.
13. Start where you are (ie. start small and build).
14. Develop and build the habit of shooting daily.
15. Write down the ‘when’ and ‘where’ you’re going to shoot each week.
16. Find passion in the process of shooting.
17. Develop a love of shooting.
18. Film your shot.
19. Focus on the feeling (focus on getting the ‘yes’ feeling)
20. Master the mundane in the dark (i.e. you have to do the work)
21. Don’t mistake activity for achievement.
22. Do the 5-minute prep (i.e. what you’ll do and what you’ll focus on)
23. Fight for faster feet.
24. Confidence comes from the work.
25. Say ‘I can do difficult things’ to yourself.
26. Consistent routines lead to consistent results.
27. Power comes from speed not strength.
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About PGC
PGC Basketball provides intense, no-nonsense basketball training for players and coaches. Our basketball camps are designed to teach players of all positions to play smart basketball, be coaches on the court, and be leaders in practices, games and in everyday life.
We combine our unique PGC culture with a variety of teaching methods and learning environments to maximize the learning potential of those that attend our sessions. In addition to spending 6-7 hours on the court each day, lessons will be reinforced through classroom sessions and video analysis.
Our goal at PGC is to empower you with the tools to fulfill your basketball dreams, while also assisting you in experiencing the joy of the journey.
To learn more about PGC Basketball, including additional basketball training tips and videos, visit our YouTube Channel or find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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