Stay Ready so You Don’t Have to Get Ready (Video)

So I urge you, stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. Stay checked in so when your time and chance comes, you’re ready to seize it.

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Leading Your Teammates with One Word (Video)

The “N” in NITE Communication stands for Names. Leadership guru, Dale Carnegie, said “the most beautiful sound in any language is the sound of someone’s name.” People love to hear their names. Your teammates will play better for you and you’ll get their attention quicker, on court, just by using their names.

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Eliminate Complaining from your Life

Have you ever stopped to consider the fact that it would be possible to go through your whole life without ever bothering to complain about anything? Many people have made commitments to do just that and they love the results. So would you.

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Championship Approach to Petty Problems (video)

Mentally toughness athletes love it when conditions are not fair. They get excited because they know the other people will be distracted. Start to view every negative circumstance as an opportunity to show how you’re different.

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What If Your Coach Yells At You?

Mentally tough players are more noble minded. They put their focus and attention on the things that really matter like winning a championship or what it takes to be a special player.

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The Discipline of Precision (video)

Precision is having the discipline to do something as well as it can be done, every single time, even if it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. Most players are not real dedicated to precision. Most people are happy to do stuff “pretty well” or just good enough to get by but special players understand that precision is doing all the things that say I care enough to be average.

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Increased Communication Leads to Better Teams

One of the most overlooked skills that every great point guard and every great leader possess is the ability to give reminders. If you learn to give reminders, your teammates will play better.

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How Non-Verbal Communication Affects Performance (Video)

93% of all communication is non-verbal so the majority of what you’re communicating to other people is not coming out of your mouth but from your body language. So start to have an awareness of what you’re communicating.

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