The PGC Blog
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Monday Mindset: When Life Sucks
I apologize in advance if you were expecting something more inspirational. But, I shot this in the midst of our sadness.
3-Point Play: On playing through nerves, leaders who don’t listen, and remembering our purpose
Most athletes and teams contribute to their own losses when they are tentative and hopeful instead of staying aggressive and demanding.
Monday Mindset: Embrace Your Doubts
Over the past year, I’ve been working on a project that I’m so excited about. I think it has the potential to be big, maybe even huge…
3-Point Play: On taking the blame, leading a group of one, and withstanding the heat
Too many times in a game a pass is thrown, the receiver misses it, and they tell the passer to get the ball higher next time. Then the passer says, “Catch the ball!” and they both run back on defense angry at each other.
Monday Mindset: Roll With It…
Just got done running the Spartan race here at Blue Mountain in Cullingwood, Ontario with thousands of others.
3-Point Play: On defending without lunging, developing capable leaders, and routinizing the right habits
Have you ever noticed that good boxers don’t miss very often with wild swings while inexperienced boxers are constantly missing with big swings that look like they could knock out an elephant if they connected?
A Champion’s Soul
Muhammad Ali famously said “The fight is won or lost far away from the witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road; long before I dance under these lights.”
Monday Mindset: Do Hard Things
Just got done running the Spartan race here at Blue Mountain in Cullingwood, Ontario with thousands of others.